Книга: Английский язык: самоучитель



1. Answer the questions about yourself.

Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.

1. How often do you have to use public transport?

2. Do you always travel using a map?

3. Which places in your town do you most often go to?

4. Is the public transport in your town quite good?

5. What other kinds of transport do you sometimes have to use?

6. How can you get to Moscow?

7. How do you usually get to work?

8. Why is underground very popular?

9. Which is the most expensive town transport?

10. How can you travel by sea?

2. Make up small dialogues of your own. Keep to the topics given.

Составьте свои диалоги, следуя данным темам.

A. You wanted to book a room in your town, but it is too expensive.

B. You wanted to book a room, but you see it is not convenient enough.

C. Book a double room for two nights, bed and breakfast.

D. You want to find out how all the equipment in your room works (TV, lights, radio).

3. Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases given.

Составьте диалог, используя данные образцы.

Where does this go?

Do these go in there?

What is it made of?

How does it work?





First, put in a CD.

Next, switch on the player.

Then, listen to music.

Is that clear?

Do you understand? Have you got it?





Can I book a hotel room?

Bed and breakfast only.

Is the room comfortable?

Can I pay by credit card?





4. Give the sentences in English.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я не смогу доехать до места работы на метро.


2. Эта станция была построена три года назад.


3. Мне не придется использовать общественный транспорт.


4. Ему не следует лететь самолетом. Это слишком дорого.


5. Вам не следует показывать ему дорогу.


6. Эта спортивная машина будет изготовлена через год.


7. Новые автобусы были закуплены нашим городом.


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