Книга: Древний город Афины и его памятники

Афинская агора

Афинская агора

B?quignon Y. Les monuments de l’Agora d’Ath?nes, Opinions de M.W. Judeich. RA,

XVII, 1, 1941.

Croschy M. The Altar of the Twelve Gods in Athens. Hesp., Suppl. VIII, 1949.

D?rpfeld W. Alt-Athen und seine Agora, I-II. Berlin, 1937—1939.

Dow S. Prytaneis. Hesp., Suppl., I, 1937.

G?tze H. Die attischen Dreifigurenreliefs. RM, LUI, 1938.

Lang M., C.W.J. Eliot. The Athenian Agora. A Guide to the Excavations. Athens, 1954.

Levi D. Il Pritaneo e la Tholos di Atene. Annuario, VI/VII (1923—1924), 1926.

McDonald W.A. The Political Meeting Places of the Greeks. Baltimore, 1943.

Martin R. La Stoa Basileos, Portique ? Ailes et Lieux d’Assembl?e. BCH, 1942/43.

Martin R. Recherches sur l'Agora Grecque. Etudes d’Histoire et d’Architecture Urbaines. Paris, 1951.

Oliver J.H. Greek Inscriptions. Hesp., IV, 1935.

Parnicki-Pudetko St. Agora ate?ska w czasachPauzaniasza. Meander, VIII, 1953.

Parnicki-Pudetko St. Agora. Geneza i rozw?j rynku greckiego. Warszawa–Wroc?aw, 1957.

Picard Ch. La Stoa Basileios d’Ath?nes et les «Basiliques». RA, XI, 1, 1938.

Picard Ch. Les acrot?res de la Stoa Basileios et ceux du «Pseudo-Theseion». RA, XII, 1. 1938.

Picard Ch. Le complexe M?tr?on–Bouleut?rion–Prytanikon ? l’Agora d’Ath?nes. RA. XII, 1, 1938.

Salis A. Die G?ttermutter von Agorakritos. JbAI, 28, 1913.

Shear T.L. & others. The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora. Hesp., II-XVIII, 1933—1949. (341/342)

Schunk K.D. Die Aufstellung der beiden Tyrannenm?rdergruppen. Das Altertum, V, 3, 1359.

Stevens G.P. A Tile Standard in the Agora of Ancient Athens. Hesp., XIX. 1950.

Svoboda B Ath?nsk? souso?i Tyranobijc? a jeho ohlas na n?dobce v N?rodn?m Museu. OP, XIII, 1946.

Thompson H.A. Excavations in the Athenian Agora. Hesp., XIX-XXIII, 1950—1954.

Thompson H.A. The Buildings on the West Side of the Agora. Hesp., VI, 1937.

Thompson H.A. The Tholos of Athens & its Predecessors. Hesp., Suppl. IV, 1940.

Thompson H.A. The Altar of Pity in the Athenian Agora. Hesp., XXI, 1952.

Travlos J. The West Side of the Athenian Agora Restored. Hesp., Suppl. VIII, 1949.

Vanderpool E. Tholos & Prytanium. Hesp., IV, 1935.

Vanderpool E. The Route of Pausanias in the Athenian Agora. Hesp., XVIII, 1949.

Wilamowitz-Moellendorff U.v. Philologische Untersuchungen, Bd. 1. Berlin, 1880.

Wycherley R. E. The Athenian Agora. Bd. III. Literary & Epigraphical Testimonia. Princeton, New Jersey, 1957.

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