Книга: Древний город Афины и его памятники

Афины XVI — начала VII вв.

Афины XVI — начала VII вв.

B?rard J. Le mur pelasgique de L’Acropole et la date de la descente dorienne. Studies Robinson, 1951.

Biegen C.W. Athens & the Early Age of Greece. Studies Ferguson, 1940.

Blegen C.W. Two Athenian Grave Groups of about 900 B.C., Hesp., XX, 1951.

Вroneer О. Eros & Aphrodite on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athen, 1931—1932. Hesp., II, 1933.

Broneer O. A Mycenaean Fountain on the Athenian Acropolis. Hesp., VIII, 1939; AJA, 44, 1940.

Broneer O. What Happened at Athens. AJA, 52, 1948.

Broneer O. Plato’s Description of Early Athens & the Origin of Metageitnia. Hesp., Suppl. VIII, 1949.

Broneer O. Athens in the Late Bronze Age. Antiquity, 117, 1956.

Burn A.R. The World of Hesiod. London, 1936.

Charbonneaux J. Tholos et Prytan?e. BCH, XLIX, 1925.

Deroy L. Le culte du foyer dans la Gr?ce myc?nienne. RHR, 137, 1950, An. 69.

Desborough R. What is Protogeometric. BSA, 43, 1948.

Desborough R. Protogeometric Pottery. Oxford, 1952.

Elderkin G.W. Studies in Early Athenian Cult. Class. Studies Capps, 1936.

Hahland W. Zu den Anf?ngen der attischen Malerei. Corolla Curtius, 1937. (336/337)

Hansen H.D. The Prehistoric Pottery on the North Slope of the Acropolis. Hesp., VI, 1937.

Hinrichs E. Fr?he attische Kultdarstellungen. Diss., M?nchen, 1951.

Holland L.B. Erechtheum Papers I: The Remains of the pre-Erechtheus. AJA, XXVIII, 1924.

Holland L.B. Erechtheum Papers II: The Strong House of Erechtheus. AJA, XXVIII, 1924.

Holland L.B. The Hall of the Athenian Kings. AJA, XLIII, 1939.

Kahane Р. Die Entwicklungsphasen der Attisch-geometrischen Keramik. AJA, XLIV, 1940.

Kolbe W. Akropolisfragen. AA, 1939.

Kornemann E. Athen und Attika (Staaten, V?lker, M?nner). Leipzig, 1934.

K?ster A. Das Pelargikon. Strassburg, 1909.

K?bler K. Kerameikos. Bd. I, IV–V. Berlin, 1939, 1943—1954.

K?bler К. Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen:· Die Fr?hzeit. NBA, 1942.

Levy D. Abitazioni preistoriche sulle pendici dell’Acropoli. Annuario, XIII-XIV, 1930— 1931.

Markman S.D. Building Models & the Architecture of the Geometric Period. Studies Robinson, 1951.

Mylonas G.E. Athens & Minoan Crete. Studies Ferguson, 1940.

Mylonas G.E. Die neolitische Epoche im Griechenland, Athen, 1928 (на греч яз.).

Nilsson M.P. The Mynoan-Mycenean Religion & its Survival in Greek Religion. Lund, 1927.

Nilsson M.P. The Mycenean Origin of Greek Mythology. Cambridge, 1928.

Nilsson M.P. Oriental Import in Minoan & Mycenean Greece. Archiv Orientalin, XVII, (Praha), 1949.

Nottbohm G. Pompe. Diss., Leipzig, 1944. ,

Picard Ch. Les luttes primitives d’Ath?nes et d’Eleusis. Revue Historique, 166, 1931.

Foulsen F. Die Dipylongr?ber und Dipylonvasen. Leipzig, 1905.

Solders S. Die ausst?dtischen Kulte und die Einigung Attikas. Lund, 1931.

Stubbings F.H. The Mycenean Pottery of Attica. BSA, XLII, 1947.

Tamaro B. Culto Miceneo sull’ Acropoli. Annuario, IV-V (1921—1922). 1924.

Townsend E. D. Mycenaean Pottery in Athens. Hesp., XXIV, 1955.

Villard F. Un nouveau crat?re du Dipylon au Mus?e du Louvre M?langes Picard, 1949.

Wace A.J.B., C.W. Blegen. The Pre-Mycenaean Pottery of the Mainland. BSA, XXII, 1927.

Young R.S. An Early Geometric Grave near the Athenian Agora. Hesp., XVIII, 1949.

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